Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | parallel OCR: Macintosh TROUBLE SHOOTER Control Panels: Config PPP Authentication / IPCP opts The IPCP Options window contains the settings for TCP setup. Local Want Will ☑Want |Will IP Address Timeout: 3 seconds Remote Want Will Want Will IP Address Cancel OK Note: The password and id fields may be left blank to indicate that they are to be entered at connect time. Auth. ID: blizzard Password: .... *Retries: 5 Timeout: 3 seconds Cancel OK Authentication window TCP Header Comp. (DJ) IP Address Retries: 10 Default settings IPCP Options window PPP Server Same: Part Speed: 33100 Home Control CTS & 118 MEM) ▼ Tane DialPulse Olal Phanx m 245/4117 Modem Init 110-120K30-40 Modem connect timeout: 5 second+ Connect Script...LEP Dptions... Il fondo... | PI P Upx... The authentication window enables you to type in your authorisation ID, plus the password.